Homeschooling with contentment

Homeschooling moms...this one is for you.

Whether you've been homeschooling for a while, brand new to homeschooling or thinking about entering the homeschooling world (maybe even dreaming about it), this post is for you. Yes, it does surround my 2019 word, Contentment. And yes, I'm talking to myself here. The next 8 words are for you where you are right now in your homeschooling journey:

You. Are. Where. You. Need. To. Be. Period.

This is something I have struggled with through the years even though I know without any doubt or hesitation, God called my family to homeschool. This month will officially be 4 years for us. We don't have a big family like most homeschooling families. We have 1 child and we are perfectly content with that. Homeschooling has not only been a great thing for my daughter, but I've also learned some things about myself in the process.

I won't lie and say homeschooling has been the easiest thing we've ever done. In fact, it may be the absolute most difficult thing we have ever done as a family. We have our good days and we have our hard days. The hard days are some of the hardest that will bring you to your knees and have you begging God for help (and I mean some serious begging).

I've felt many times through the past 4 years that maybe this isn't where God wants us. Maybe something has changed. Every. Single. Time. I come back to homeschooling and I get peace. Peace that will blow your mind harder than an F5 tornado while you're in the midst of the chaos that is the tornardo. That's deep rooted peace and only big enough to come from God.

Even during the low of lows in homeschooling, we have experienced some of the highest of highs you could ever imagine. It's the joy in my daughter's face when she gets something we're learning or the joy in my heart to see how far she has come even during her struggles with school. She does not like school at all and I know most kids her age are not fans of school either. However, during the past 4 years we have experienced many WWIII-like moments that usually take me to back to the question in my mind: should we continue homeschooling? I go through lots of questions surrounding this thought. When I try to venture beyond where we are and explore options outside of homeschooling, God always shuts that door and brings me back right here to the purpose he has for me. He's done it many times and each time He brings me that deep rooted peace to show me that we are exactly where He wants us.

This is where contentment comes to mind. Sure, we could go back to the route of outside schooling, whatever that option may be. However, would that be an easier option? Maybe for some, but for us no. Why? Because I strongly believe He has called my family to homeschooling and anything outside of God's will is going to be a struggle. Remember my first ever blog post about living outside of God's plan? God never promises us that life will be easy. He never promises to save us from the trenches or valleys. However, He does promise He will be with us at all times, even during the hard times. When we are moving away from Him and His plan, there is no peace and certainly, no happiness. It's downright hard. My life verse says this perfectly, "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a furture." - Jeremiah 29:11 When considering this, you feel peace when you are living inside of God's will instead of outside. Peace is where you know the difference.

So again, what does being content have to do with homeschooling, both the beautiful and ugly parts? Simple, when you are content you are living in the moment - good or bad. You are not anticipating what could be if things were different because you know different is not what's best. You are experiencing all of the beauty God has for you because you where you need to be in that moment at the right time. Not being content is always wishing, hoping and looking for something else. When you are not content, you miss the beauty of the moment that He has made for you. Being content, you don't miss any of it because you are in the midst of experiencing it all.

Lately, I have had to completely shift my mindset, something God has been working on me for a few months now. I am constantly having to remind myself to enjoy the moment and to purposefully stop my mind from wondering on the "what could be". The last thing I want is the joy of the moment I'm in to be robbed by "what could be", especially if it's outside of God's path for me. When you're content you'll find joy and peace.

When I apply these thoughts to our homeschooling day, I'm living in the moment and not missing out.  I'm experiencing more of the beauty in the time being spent with my daughter each day. These days are flying by super fast and I have the absolute blessing of sharing this all with her. It's time we will never get back but will look back on years from now knowing we were blessed with this incredible opportunity. That's the beauty of being content and that's the beauty God wants for us. If I'm not content I miss it, and I don't want to miss any a single moment of it.

We. Are. Where. We. Need. To. Be. Period.


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